Ceph Solutions: Applications, Use Cases, and Customer References | Turnkey Ceph appliance provider | Ambedded

Our Customers | Ceph storage appliance for enterprise

Our Customers

Ceph Solutions: Applications, Use Cases, and Customer References

Ambedded's Ceph storage solutions are designed to meet the needs of various industries, offering high availability, resilience, and scalability. These solutions are tailored for applications such as private cloud deployments, large-scale storage with numerous clients, backup and archive systems, scalable NAS, and cloud-native environments. Below, we explore the specific applications and use cases where Ambedded's Ceph solutions excel, along with references from our satisfied customers.

Ambedded Customers

Ambedded reference ceph customers with applications such as private cloud deployments, large-scale storage with numerous clients, backup and archive systems, scalable NAS, and cloud-native environments.

Applications & Use Cases
  • Cloud Service Providers (CSPs)
  • Use Case:CSPs leverage Ambedded's Ceph solution to provide reliable and scalable storage for cloud services. It is particularly effective for deploying RBD in environments like OpenStack or Kubernetes, as well as object storage using S3 protocols.
    Protocols Used:RBD for container and virtual machine storage, S3 for object storage.
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Use Case:The media and entertainment industry uses Ceph for efficient object storage and file sharing, crucial for handling large volumes of multimedia content.
    Protocols Used:S3 for object storage, traditional file sharing protocols.
  • Research and Scientific Institutions
  • Use Case:These institutions require massive storage capacities for data-intensive research. Ceph's object storage and file sharing capabilities support large-scale data storage and management.
    Protocols Used:S3 and file sharing protocols for collaborative research data storage.
  • E-Commerce and Online Resellers
  • Use Case:E-commerce platforms rely on Ceph for storing and managing large catalogs of product data and customer information.
    Protocols Used: S3 for scalable object storage and secure file sharing.
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Use Case:For analytics-driven organizations, Ceph provides the necessary infrastructure to store and process large datasets, integrating well with tools that require RBD and object storage.
    Protocols Used:RBD for high-performance block storage, S3 for data storage.
  • Telecommunication and Service Providers
  • Use Case:Telecom companies utilize Ceph for a variety of storage needs, including file sharing, object storage, and block storage for internal cloud infrastructure.
    Protocols Used:RBD, file sharing protocols, S3
  • Enterprise Storage
  • Use Case:Enterprises use Ceph for scale-out NAS or scale-out SMB services, especially for extensive backup and archival purposes.
    Protocols Used:Scale-out SMB and NFS for comprehensive storage solutions.

    Some Customer References

    Ambedded's Ceph solutions have been successfully deployed by several prominent organizations across different sectors:

    Reference in Telecommunication & Cloud Service Providers:

  • DataComm (Indonesia): Implemented HDD and NVMe clusters with RBD for OpenStack and Kubernetes, supporting external services and private clouds.
  • CITIC Telecom CPC (HK & China):Deployed Ceph for NFS as scale-out NAS and RBD for internal cloud storage with Kubernetes.
  • CHT Telecom (Taiwan):Utilized Ceph for RBD in OpenStack private clouds and S3 Object Storage.
  • UGT (Georgia):Employed a Ceph turnkey solution with HDD clusters and NVMe cache for VM block storage, using S3 for backup.
  • Reference in Enterprise

  • NSS (Kazakhstan): Used Ceph for a scale-out NAS solution, integrating NFS and S3 for storage needs in oilfield services and construction.
  • Reference in Big Data Analysis and AI

  • PredictX (UK):Used Ceph for S3 and file sharing for the AI-powered intelligence data platform for travel & expense analytics.
  • These examples showcase the versatility and reliability of Ambedded's Ceph solutions, providing tailored SDS solutions to meet the unique needs of various industries and ensuring customer satisfaction across the globe​.

    Our Customers | Cost-effective Ceph storage management | Ambedded

    Located in Taiwan since 2013, Ambedded Technology Co., LTD. has been a block and object storage solutions provider. Their major data storage management include, Ceph storage technology, ARM server integration, Software-defined storage, Enterprise storage optimization, Ceph appliance cost savings, storage management software and block and object storage solutions. They provider professional Ceph support, scalable storage systems with high storage efficiency in the data center.

    Ambedded offers cutting-edge Ceph storage solutions on ARM microservers, tailored for B2B buyers seeking to optimize their enterprise storage systems. Our turnkey Ceph appliances reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) and simplify storage management, supporting block, file system, and object storage in a unified platform. With a commitment to innovation and customer support, Ambedded is your trusted partner for scalable and efficient SUSE Enterprise Storage Appliance solutions. Experience seamless integration and professional support to leverage the full potential of Ceph technology in your business.

    Ambedded has been providing customers with scalable storage systems and cost-effective Ceph storage management since 2013, and with both advanced technology and 20 years of experience, Ambedded ensures that each customer's needs are met.