Storage Solution Provider. We offer High Available, Scalable, Resilient, and Affordable Enterprise Storage. | Turnkey Ceph appliance provider | Ambedded

Ambedded offers Mars 400 SUSE Enterprise Storage and Ceph Storage appliance | Ceph storage appliance for enterprise

Ambedded offers Mars 400 SUSE Enterprise Storage and Ceph Storage appliance

About Ambedded

Storage Solution Provider. We offer High Available, Scalable, Resilient, and Affordable Enterprise Storage.

Founded in 2013 by a team with extensive experience in enterprise storage, Ambedded recognized the potential of Ceph distributed storage to overcome the limitations of traditional storage solutions.

In 2015, Ambedded introduced its first Ceph Storage Appliance, a turnkey solution designed to make this advanced technology stable, accessible, and cost-effective for customers.

Our vision at Ambedded is to deliver high-quality Ceph storage support, ensuring 100% customer satisfaction. This commitment drives us to specialize in Ceph Storage technology and develop innovative management tools for Ceph applications.

Today, Ambedded supports hundreds of Ceph Storage clusters with satisfied customers worldwide. We remain dedicated to investing in Ceph technology support and building on our deep industry expertise.

With the purpose-built Ceph appliance, Ambedded team owns widely experience to help customers to adopt our ceph solution into versatile industries, such as Telecom, medical, military, edge datacenter and HA required enterprise storage.

TimeEvent description
Feb. 2013Ambedded founded with talents.
A talent team founded Ambedded Technology. The team has in-depth knowledge of open source software, distributed storage, embedded Linux, and server design based on ARM architecture.
The common passion among the team is to build up this energetic Software-Defined Storage Company.
July 2014the 1st generation ARM-based MicroServer Platform Cy7 is generally available
We launch the Cy7 & Cy21 designed with de-centralized microserver architecture.
Ambedded was invited to demonstrate our ARM microserver platform at 2014 ARM Partner Meeting, Cambridge UK.
Sept. 2015Peta-Byte cloud Storage deployment
Ambedded installed more than 1500 microserver to our partner, Cynny, for cloud storage service. The storage cluster has more than 4.8 PB data storage capacity across North America and Europe.
May 2016We launched the 2nd Generation ARM microserver-based Ceph Storage Appliance Mars 200 with Unified Virtual Stor (UVS) Manager v1.0.
Award winning: Best of Interop Storage Award 2016 (Las Vegas, USA)
July 2016Mars 200 is generally available
May 2017"May: Speaker in Ceph day Bosten & Present Mars 200 in OpenStack Summit in Boston.
July: Speaker in OpenStack Day & Ceph Day in Taipei
Deploy Ceph appliances to versatile applications.
We deploy Ceph Storage appliance for customer applications, such as OpenStack, edge datacenter for IoT sensor data aggregation, and cloud storage platform.
Award winning: Best Choice Golden Award of Computex, Taipei Taiwan).
Nov. 2017Chunghwa Telcom adopted Mars 200 ceph appliance for its OpenStack Cloud platform. The Mars 200 and Mars 400 Ceph appliance have been widely adopted by CHT for internal private cloud and external public cloud service.
May 2018Announce the general availability of the 3rd generation 64-bit Arm-based Ceph Appliance Mars 400 & UVS 2.0 at OpenStack Summit Vancouver, Canada.
Nov. 2018Speaker in Ceph Day & OpenStack Summit in Berlin
Ambedded has was invited to participate ARM demonstration at SC18 Dallas (SuperComputing EXPO)
Nov. 2018Ambedded joined Ceph Foundation as a founding member.
March 2019Ambedded participated SUSECON Nashville and became SUSE partner for the SUSE Enterprise Storage Appliance.
May 2019Speaker in Cephalocon Barcelona.
Oct. 2019Ambedded launched the SUSE Enterprise Storage 6 Appliance, powered by ARM-based MicroServer.
Why Choose Ambedded ?

  • Expertise in Ceph: Ambedded specializes in Ceph, offering unparalleled knowledge and experience in deploying and managing this powerful storage solution.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: We provide both software and hardware appliances that are ready for production, significantly reducing your time to go live.
  • User-Friendly Management: Our intuitive web UI and advanced management tools make it easy to operate and maintain, minimizing the workload for your administrators.
  • Dedicated Support Team: Benefit from the support of our experienced and dedicated team, who bring a wealth of knowledge to every engagement.
  • End-to-End Consulting:From initial consultation to ongoing application support, Ambedded is here to ensure your success.
  • An expert team to help customer to deploy Ceph in an ease

    Ceph is a powerful open-source unified storage software that provides object, block, and filesystem. It supports most of the popular Linux bare-metal, virtualization and container platforms. However, operating and maintaining the ceph cluster in production requires an experienced engineering team that has comprehensive expertise in Linux and distributed storage.

    Our vision is to reduce customer's TCO and optimize the efficiency of data storage by providing the Ceph appliance, which integrates the Arm-based microserver with Ceph and our user management user interface as well as professional support service.

    We invest our engineering resources in tuning the performance, reliability, and automate the management process.
    Our support team and local partners are your virtual Ceph team that keeps your application services accessing uninterrupted.

    Our products have been adopted by industries such as telecom, e-commerce, edge/datacenters, medical research, big data, academies, enterprises, and web services.

      Four fundamentals led to the advantages of Ambedded Technology:
    • The ARM-based microserver architecture provides significant benefits for distributed software-defined storage.
    • Ambedded can offer hassle-free solutions with our expertise in storage technology, Ceph, Linux, open-source software, embedded system, server hardware, Mechanical engineer, and system integration.
    • Knowledge of the field is essential in a domain where details make all the difference. Products without excellent technical support can lead to poorly adapted solutions.
    • Solutions from product-oriented manufacturers are often biassed and incomplete. Only people with the view of the application make the product success.
    Talking about benefits on Ambedded

    Cynny Space, a Storage as a Service provider based in Italy, offering a European based Green Cloud Storage solution with all flexibility and easy to use integration. Cynny Space talks about the benefit and reason why they are integrating and using Ambedded ARM based MicroServer as their platform!