The Mars 400 / Mars 400SES nodes are able to add into my existing cluster?
For the users who already have their existing Ceph cluster running on x86 server, if they want to add the Mars 400 ceph cluster into their current cluster, please make sure the Mars 400 ceph node has the same ceph version as their existing cluster.
If the user doesn't want to use UVS manager, only want to add the Mars 400 as Ceph OSD nodes, they could use ceph-deploy, ceph command, or salt to deploy Mar 400 as OSD nodes into existing cluster.
If the users want to use Ambedded UVS manager to deploy & manage:
They need:
1. Add one microserver of Mars 400 into the existing cluster, as a monitor node.
2. Open the UVS manager on this newly adding-in MON node.
3. Upload the UVS manager license.
4. Use UVS manager to deploy other MON, OSD and MDS nodes.